student faqs

student faqs

Q. What is 澳门足球博彩官方网址X and how will it help me?

A. 澳门足球博彩官方网址X is a secured-access Web portal that 澳门足球博彩官方网址 has licensed to centralize information about campus activities and provide access to Web-based services. If you have already applied and been accepted, you have a 澳门足球博彩官方网址X ID and can log in. More financial aid information is available there in the Student Services tab.

Q. Do I still need to select a refund preference with BankMobile Disbursements if I am an online student?

A. Yes. All student financial disbursements, such as refunds and financial aid awards, are handled through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Even if you do not receive financial aid, there may be instances in which you do receive a refund. For example, a class was dropped during the drop/add period. You can SELECT YOUR REFUND PREFERENCE through your 澳门足球博彩官方网址X account.

Q. How do I register for online courses?

A. Our office requires a registration form to be filled out (with your hand-written signature) and returned via e-mail or by fax. Please visit 澳门足球博彩官方网址X to find the REGISTRATION FORM and available course dates for each semester.

Q. How do I withdraw from online courses?

A. Requests can be made to the Distance Education office. Any drop or withdrawal for VDE students will always result in financial aid recalculation and the student may owe financial aid money back to the University. It is the students’ responsibility to contact the Financial Aid office to determine the amount to be owed and how it will impact future enrollment.


Q. Can I be dropped from my online class for non-attendance?

A. Yes. In an online course, your “attendance” is based on course activity. Course activity is participating in scheduled course activities and submitting assignments on due dates. If you fail to meet deadlines that your instructor has provided, you can be dropped for non-attendance. If you are continuously missing deadlines/assignments, you will receive e-mail notifications/warnings from your instructor urging you to improve your class participation.

Q. What if I withdraw from my classes?  Do I receive any money back?
 Students who officially withdraw during the first week of regular classes during a Fall or Spring semester will receive a 100 percent credit adjustment of tuition; during the second week-75%, the third—50%, and the fourth—25%.  After the fourth week, no credit adjustment will be given. Accelerated courses (14, 12, 10, 8 week courses) run off of a different schedule. SEE THE DISTANCE EDUCATION WITHDRAWAL SCHEDULE.

Q. What if I don’t see my courses on Blackboard?

A. Blackboard course access may not be available until 2-3 days before the class start date. Most MATH, PHRM, & MUSI classes are not on the blackboard. Check your preferred e-mail for further instruction from your instructor. If you are still not sure why you cannot access your course - call Distance Education at 812-888-5900 and we will look into this matter for you.

Q. Am I eligible for Financial Aid if I am an online student?

A. Yes. Visit and complete the Free Application for FEDERAL STUDENT AID (FAFSA) to determine if you are eligible for financial aid. For any questions about Financial Aid and/or your eligibility, please contact Financial Services at 812-888-4361 or at FA@VINU.EDU

Q. What is a proctor? Will I need one for my online courses?

A. Some online courses require students to take exams in a supervised environment. This helps faculty members verify online students’ identities and ensures academic integrity. Exams are proctored by approved proctors only. Most of our online classes will require a proctor for exams. Check with your instructor if you are unsure if your courses requires a proctor for exams. You can find more information regarding PROCTOR REQUIREMENTS on our website.

Q. I received a bill for class that I did not take, what can I do?

A. If you believe you are being charged for a class you did not take then you may contact the Distance Ed office, DISTED@VINU.EDU . The dispute process may take up to 2 weeks before a decision will be made.

Q. Where can I find more information on Disability Support Services?

A. At Vincennes University, resources are offered through the office of DISABILITY SERVICES to help students overcome or compensate for obstacles related to a physical, emotional, learning or other disability. 

Q. What if I need tutoring for one of my online classes?

A. Vincennes University offers virtual tutoring for a variety of subjects via its LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES office.  Students who reside near our Vincennes and Jasper campuses are also free to utilize ACADEMIC SUPPORT OPTIONS at those locations.

Q. Are students required to have all course materials by the beginning of their course?

A. Important Note: If Financial Aid has not been released, students will need to make other arrangements to obtain course materials by this date. 

Failure to purchase textbooks is not justification to delay beginning coursework and will not result in 100% refund if dropping the courses.

To order your course materials, visit the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 BOOKSTORE. Please make sure you select distance course materials.

Click on the link listed "Online Book Ordering" for step-by-step details on how to purchase your books and course materials online. This document also explains how to use your financial aid at the check-out process.

The Old Post Bookstore can be reached at 812-888-4334, or call the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 operator toll-free at 800-742-9198 and asked to be connected to the Bookstore.

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